Keep Airborne Viruses Under Control In Your Home

Don’t Get Sick This Winter

Many feel that if they get a flu shot this winter, then they are not going to catch any illnesses, but this is far from the truth. The flu shot only prevents the flu, and this means that any other airborne illnesses that are floating around can be caught by this person.

Alexandria, VA Flu Season TipsMany don’t realize that their own Alexandria home is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to catching airborne illnesses because they feel that these illnesses are caught outside of the home.

If a family has people over for get-togethers, which is very common during the holidays, then any one of the persons coming into the home can bring in illnesses.

If a person has a cold or the flu, then if they sneeze or cough, they are exposing others in the room to the illness. These germs go into the air, and they can be sucked up into the HVAC system and passed throughout the house.

Keeping an HVAC unit working properly may be the best and first defense against getting airborne illnesses in your Alexandria home, especially during the wintertime.

Is Your HVAC Unit Ready For The Cold Weather?

You have to check your HVAC unit before you turn it on for the winter, especially if it’s been off since the summer. In some regions of the USA, those with an HVAC unit that is both an air conditioner and a heater may have the unit turned off for a couple months after the hot weather disappears.

During the months of September and October, it’s possible to have mild weather that doesn’t require the use of the HVAC unit, but then when late October and early November roll around, the weather may start getting cold.

Before you turn on the HVAC unit again, make sure it’s ready to deal with the cold weather by doing what’s necessary to keep the unit running properly.

Make Sure Maintenance Is Performed

If you want to prevent any airborne illnesses from roaming from room to room through your HVAC system, make sure that the filter in the unit is changed.

It’s a good idea to change the filter before turning on the heat, even if the filter is still usable. Call out a professional HVAC maintenance person to check out your unit, and you’ll also want to make sure to clean the unit as well as the air ducts and vents in the home.

Keep your Alexandria, VA home free from germs of the flu season. Call Cyprus Heating and Cooling today at (888) 775-5640, to get tips on how to keep your home flu free.