How to Prepare Your HVAC for Fall
10 tips on how you can be sure you’re ready for the colder months
While these are a few basic tips to get your home ready for the winter months, our certified HVAC technicians have an even longer list of ways they can make sure your system is working in the most efficient way possible. Now is the perfect time to get your yearly tune-up! Call 888-775-5640 or visit to schedule your service, cleaning, and tune-up today!
Check Air Filters

The number one thing you can do to make your HVAC system more efficient is to change the air filters. Ideally, this should be done at least twice a year; if you have pets or have allergies it is beneficial to change them more often. Clean air filters mean max airflow meaning more heat in the winter, less of a chance of air leaks forming, and will keep your utility bills lower.
Clean Indoor Vents
While giving attention to your air filters clear away any dust in and around your vents. This will make your filter’s job easier and your air cleaner. While you’re cleaning your vents keep an eye out for any air leaks because tip number three is seal air leaks!
Seal Air Leaks
If you come across any air leaks while cleaning the vents, now is the time to seal them! Some of the easier leaks such as around windows and doors can be sealed without professional assistance. This small maintenance will help you save a lot of money and keep your home much warmer when the winter arrives!
Many homes have several leaks in their ducts, which means you’re losing air that should be used in heating your home, and it means higher utility bills. Sealing up these ducts will prevent uneven treated air in your home. These leaks are often more difficult to get at and seal and is probably best to speak with a professional about their maintenance.
Clean the Outdoor Unit
Your outdoor unit is just as important as the indoor vents. It is often overlooked because it is outside weathering the elements, but this is all the more reason it needs a good cleaning. The summer months are infamous for kicking up extra pollen, grass trimmings, or falling debris from a gold ole fashioned summer thunderstorm. Clear away this debris to increase airflow. Better to do this now when the weather is crisp and cool before the icy cold winter months. If you’re unsure of how to clean your unit give us a shout at 888-775-5640.
Check for Hazards
While you’re outside cleaning your outdoor unit, give the area around it a once-over. Make sure there is no build-up of leaves around the unit that will later get caught up in it, this will save you time in the long run. If you had a particularly wet summer, the soil under the unit may not be secure. If you see any wobbling or hear any strange noises, contact a professional immediately.
When cleaning your AC unit, start by turning off the power. This is when you can remove all the leaves and twigs that have accumulated. Another good tip is to hose off the entire unit to remove dust, dirt, pollen, and grass trimmings (while the power is still off of course) and wait to turn it back on when the entire unit has dried completely.
Think ahead: now that you’ve looked around the base turn your attention up to the rest of your yard. Plants should be kept at least four feet away from your compressor, so clear away any invasive species. If there are heavy tree limbs or dead branches, that may potentially fall during a snowstorm and damage your unit, it may be worth looking into getting these removed.
Check Alarms and Detectors
When was the last time you checked the batteries in your fire detector? If you don’t remember, or if it was last month when you removed the batteries to put them in your TV remote, it’s time to check all your alarms and detectors to make sure they’re in working order.
Although it doesn’t directly affect your HVAC system, it’s a good reminder to change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. These systems should be checked at least once a year. The U.S. Fire Administration recommends they are replaced every 10 years. It’s a perfect time to remember to check up on these life-saving devices are functioning while you are already going through the rest of the systems in your home.
Check window AC Units
If you have any window AC units, it is a good idea to remove them when you go through the process to winterize your home. This will keep them in better condition for next summer because they are not exposed to the rough winter elements.
Turn on the Heat
You may want to consider turning on your heating system before the colder months arrive. Wouldn’t you rather find out about any issues in your system before the days get cold and you’re sitting in a freezing house waiting for an appointment with a technician?
Schedule maintenance check-up
Finally, another reminder to get an appointment to schedule some yearly maintenance. A professional will be able to fix up any unseen damage, leaks, and alert you to everything that is going on inside your HVAC system. Your heating will take care of you all through the winter, so don’t forget to give it some TLC in return. Call 888-775-5640 or visit to schedule your service, cleaning, and tune-up today!