Preparing Your Home For Spring Allergens

When spring arrives bringing with it warmer temperatures, budding trees and blooming flowers and plants, it also brings along with it a host of irritating allergens.

Spring allergies can cause itchy, watery eyes, running, drippy noses, coughs and all the other discomforts that accompany allergy season. While the air outside is filled with pollen, grass and other allergens, it is almost a sure bet that the air quality inside your Alexandria home is even worse.

Alexandria, VA Home-AllergiesIn fact, experts agree the air pollution level inside your home is often two to five times worse than that outside. To further compound the issue of poor air quality in your home, your HVAC unit may be a significant contributor to your home’s or air quality by circulating mold, pet dander, pollen, dust mites and other allergens throughout your home.

To cut down on your home’s indoor irritants and allergens, maintaining your HVAC system should be top on your spring cleaning list. Not only will regular maintenance prolong the life and improve the performance of your HVAC unit, it can dramatically reduce indoor air pollution and allergens creating a healthier home for you and your family.

To get the most out of your HVAC unit and to provide your home and family with clean, allergen free air, it is important that you schedule seasonal check ups from qualified and trained HVAC technicians. Here are just a few of the things our team of experts can do to help you breathe easy, even when spring leaves its trademark blanket of thick, yellow pollen and other allergy inducing particles everywhere you look.

Thorough Duct Cleanings

The ductwork in your home directs the air flow from the HVAC unit throughout your home, and it is not too far off to think of your ducts as the lungs of your house. Ducts are a perfect hiding place for nasty allergens like mold, dust and other allergens. In fact, the average six room home creates up to forty pounds of dust per year. If you have a larger home or pets, that weight can dramatically increase.

Not only do dirty ducts circulate allergy causing particles and pump and recirculate them throughout your home, they can also create an unpleasant moldy, musty smell in your home. Additionally, dirty air ducts force your HVAC unit to work much harder than necessary increasing the unit’s energy consumption and the cost of your utility bills.

Cleaning Your Entire HVAC System

On top of cleaning your air ducts, your entire system needs routine cleanings to not only to reduce pollutants and allergens, but also to increase your systems efficiency. The evaporating coils on your unit can grow mold and produce spores that can cause not only allergies, but also asthma and other autoimmune disorders.

These mold spores can also accumulate on your fan blades, the fan motor and the drain pans they then enter into the air ducts and spread mold and unhealthy air throughout your Alexandria home.

Our technicians can give your HVAC unit a thorough cleaning and help improve the quality of the air that is circulated throughout your home. If you have severe mold and allergen problems, it may be necessary to have an ultraviolet light installed by your unit’s evaporating coil to slow the growth of mold and prevent mold regrowth.

Our talented team of technicians will help you determine whether or not this step is necessary, but if you have small children, elderly adults or others with compromised immune systems, it may be a step you want to take as a precaution against respiratory problems that develop as a result of breathing in moldy, musty air.

Upgrade to a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter

Alexandria, VA Home-Allergy-TipsA high efficiency particulate air filter, also known as a HEPA filter, can drastically reduce the pollutants that slip through most standard air filters. HEPA filters utilize an advanced filtration technology to trap airborne pollutants as minuscule as 0.3 microns.

These advanced HEPA filters can trap up to 99.7 percent of air pollutants to deliver clean, fresh and virtually pollutant and irritant free air to your home. Our technicians can help you upgrade your system and install a HEPA filter that will help you breathe easier.

After a long and brutal winter, almost everyone is happy when springs emerges. Help keep spring an enjoyable season and allergies at bay by making sure your HVAC system is functioning at top capacity and delivering clean, fresh air to your Alexandria home and family.

Don’t let spring allergies leave you sniffling, sneezy and watery eyed in your own home. Call us today and let our professionals get your HVAC system clean and ready to filter out all the allergens spring brings.

For top quality HVAC service in the Alexandria, VA area, call Cyprus Air Heating & Cooling at (844) 546-7219 and schedule your spring HVAC cleaning and check up appointment today.